
Earth Hour——Tonight, Lights out for the Earth

by on Mar 28 , 2009 , under 公益 , 1,037 views , 12 Comments

Tonight,  millions of people around the globe will unite in switching off their lights for one hour to show that they care about our living planet. It’s as simple as a flick of the switch!


When the sandstorms in Beijing, when news of the pollution of Taihu Lake, when the snowstorm, drought wreak havoc frequent extreme weather, when the accelerating global warming, the rapid melting of Antarctic ice, my dear friends, you may have thought with their own modest living for our earth to do something?

At 8.30pm today join millions of people around the world and take part in the first ever global election, between Earth and climate change. This is also the first time the activity spread to China!

Earth Hour 2009 invites communities, business and governments to switch off lights for 1 hour and send a message that we need to take action on global warming. This is a video to promote the activity:

By then, more than 3000 cities will turn off  lighting, the expression of “Energy-saving emission reduction, climate change” the human voice.  Global relay event will be  start tonight, if you are in China,  please lights out at 8:30 GMT!

In China, there’re also many cities announced to join the activity, such as Beijing, Hongkong, Nanjing, Dalian, Baoding. A few days ago, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government also announced to join the activity, when landscape outside the city government office building will be closed,  Oriental Pearl Towerthe BundPeople’s Square will be “lights out” for one hour, take concrete actions to advocate energy-saving emission reduction, joint response to global warming.

Events initiated by the WWF appealed to the public that during the event turn off the lights at home ,  to experience a special one-hour!If you feel bored, you can:

  • take part in the local “Earth Hour” campaign,  or own to open a “Earth Hour” party,  inviting neighbors to  take part in;
  • called friends and family, enjoy the picnic in the park under the night,  enjoy the stars;
  • enjoy a candlelight dinner at home;
  • to organize a treasure hunt in the dark trip;
  • go out strolling with a dog at night;
  • bathed in candlelight to relax;
  • everyone sitting in the dark, with story-telling
  • to organize a family night, playing chess or playing games;
  • with the lover to a romantic evening;
  • with the camera records it happened an hour of stories, and upload it to www.flickr.com/groups/earthhour2009glob-al/, to share with others.

Local time at 8:30 p.m. on March 28, 2009, no matter which corner of the world you are!


水楼已经盖了 12 层了!

  1. Felsmann Richárd Erik

    Látogasd meg az oldalaimat!!!


  2. 冬瓜

    @Felsmann Richárd Erik, then, what you want to say, my Hungarian friend? I’m sorry that I don’t understand the Hungarian language.

  3. 冬瓜

    I announced:
    I will cut off the majority of electrical power from 8 o’clock tonight at home until tomorrow, leaving only computer communications, in response to the “Earth Hour” campaign to advocate energy-saving emission reduction practical action. This is a public activity, please refrain from wearing hat of any political. Never to mention it is useless that lights out for one hour, take a look at power consumption in Shanghai on the night of the Landscape, you will know.

  4. Hemorrhoid

    I am amazed with it. It is a good thing for my research. Thanks. ^_^

  5. Nicole5

    i always participate whenver there is an Earth Hour event. it is a good thing that the World Wildlife Fund organized an event like this.

  6. 本博客宣布:将参加“地球一小时”活动 | 王佳冬个人博客 - 冬不拉的弦音

    […] by 冬瓜 on Mar 26 , 2010 , under 绿色心情 , 21 views , Leave a Comment , 网址太长? 继去年参加地球一小时活动后,本站今年继续参加这项公益活动,并提前24小时制作了相关的主题,希望大家一起在2010年3月27日(星期六)晚上8:30熄灯一小时。我们的环保努力并不只在这一小时,为了共同的地球家园,我们可以做得更好。 […]

赶快说点什么吧! ^_^