WordPress 2.8正式版发布,冬不拉的弦音已升级
by 冬瓜 on Jun 11 , 2009 , under 通告 , 978 views , 10 Comments
- First and foremost, 2.8 is way faster to use. We’ve changed the way WordPress does style and scripting.
(WordPress 2.8的后台和WordPress 2.7的后台看起来没太多的变化,但却在速度上提升了不少,因为WordPress官方在WordPress 2.8重新编写了后台样式和脚本代码。) - The core and plugin updaters in previous versions of WordPress have been such a success we decided to bring the same to themes. You can now browse the entire theme directory and install a theme with one click from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard.
(主题已经可以插件一样在后台搜索、预览、下载,安装了。很Cool的一个功能,估计也是WordPess 2.8最大的亮点。) - If you make edits or tweaks to themes or plugins from your dashboard, you’ll appreciate the new CodePress editor which gives syntax highlighting to the previously-plain editor. Also there is now contextual documentation for the functions in the file you’re editing linked right below the editor.
(后台直接编辑代码支持高亮了,但这个似乎有点鸡肋,因为不是熟手估计不会直接在后台编辑,不然一旦保存就找不回来了,所以修改主题代码,还是建议大家通过FTP来。) - If you were ever frustrated with widgets before, this release should be your savior. We’ve completely redesigned the widgets interface (which we didn’t have time to in 2.7) to allow you to do things like edit widgets on the fly, have multiple copies of the same widget, drag and drop widgets between sidebars, and save inactive widgets so you don’t lose all their settings. Developers now have access to a much cleaner and robust API for creating widgets as well.
(重新设计了主题侧边栏挂件(Widgets),理由很简单,在WordPress 2.7的时候没时间做,功能也有所加强,至于如果使用,大家自己可以体验。) - Finally you should explore the new Screen Options on every page. It’s the tab in the top right. Now, for example, if you have a wide monitor you could set up your dashboard to have four columns of widgets instead of the two it has by default. On other pages you can change how many items show per page.
今天回家第一件事就是把自己的主博客升级到了2.8,体验下来,除了发现自己原来改制的主题在升级后发现一些不兼容外,其他暂时没有发现什么bug,也希望官方不要三天两头地发布补丁,所以建议那些不急着体验的朋友可以等待一周后再升级,当然我旗下的其他几个wordpress站点也都没升级到wordpress 2.8,等待时机成熟的那一刻。
总体感觉2.8的widgets很强大,其他功能正在体验中,很多插件也有待测试,大家也可以来尝试一下,不建议大家使用wordpress 2.8中文版(速成版),还是用英文原版比较好。多说一句,美国主机就是快,升级wordpress系统只花了几秒钟,太牛了。。。
水楼已经盖了 10 层了!
June 13th, 2009 on 13:35
June 13th, 2009 on 14:00
@jefferys, php的cms的话,我推荐你用dedecms,这个cms很强大的,我曾经过用
June 13th, 2009 on 16:30
June 13th, 2009 on 16:38
@jefferys, 不存在版权问题的,这些都是开源的代码,只要保留一个连接就完全没事了,当然要是没办法保留链接的话也可以删掉,或者让企业去购买它的收费版
June 28th, 2009 on 23:11
June 28th, 2009 on 23:21
@厦门专业SEO, 订阅插件?
June 28th, 2009 on 23:37
June 28th, 2009 on 23:46
QQ: 1006258045
June 29th, 2009 on 00:21
@厦门专业SEO, 是在www.feedsky.com托管的种子,它会自动生成订阅列表的
June 29th, 2009 on 09:55
@冬瓜, 谢谢!,您真热心,呵呵!